Saturday, November 6, 2010

Adoption Celebration

My eyes filled with tears everytime I heard rapturous applause  today. 

Applause meant an adoption had been finalized. A child and his new parents were legally bound as a family.

There were Court Rooms set up under ramadas at the park.  A judge would sign the appropriate papers and the crowd would cheer.

My friend, Shannon, adopted her daughter, Courtney, (Maya's BFF) five years ago.  Shannon asked me and my girls to help her run game booths to celebrate these finalized adoptions.  She is the L.D.S. Family services chair person for adoption in Tucson.

One could spot a child who had been adopted by the stuffed animal she/he carried. 

My heart is full to bursting.  I can't begin to explain the joy I experienced playing with these babies today and witnessing the Love in the eyes of their new Mommies and Daddies. 

I have taken for granted that the fertility Gods have smiled upon me.  I don't know the pain so many men and women experience when they cannot concieve. 

I have also taken for granted the security of my babies.  I have always known they would be mine forever.  I have never had the pain of debating whether I would have to give a child up.  My children have never had to fear where they would sleep that night.

The adults and children I met know a depth of pain I cannot comprehend, but today was a day of celebration.  I thank God I was a witness to the completion of their families and the beginning of a Happy life together.