If Maya wants a Barbie on a Tuesday and I have an extra $10. I say YES! If T-bone needs a G.I. Joe because he had a bad Thursday I say YES! If I need a pair of thigh-high boots to feel extra sassy for no reason I say YES! HA!
I realize we're in a ressession. I'm doing my part to stimulate the economy. You would be wise to do the same...
What happens to all the toys my children accumulate? PLAYROOM. I let them go nuts in the playroom. I just chuck the toys that wander out right back in and I shut the door. There are always at least a dozen children at my place. I often banish them to Toy Heaven.
Every once in a while I must purge Toy Heaven. It's quite an ordeal. I acquire emotional attatchments to the toys and hate to give any of them up.
The playroom gets completely insane if I don't step in once and a while. Do you see how one of my little ones left bread and butter on the bed?! (Ok... so I totally staged that. But I really do find the weirdest stuff when I clean the playroom. Rotton apple cores, crushed Fruit Loops, stale crackers, sippy cups with curdled milk.... the list goes on.)
I tied my hair up Auntie Jemima style, which means I'm serious. (Plus I thought it would be cute for my blog pics...it totally works, don'tcha think?)
I armed myself with diet Coke and a friendly yellow Tee shirt. (You'd be surprised how many people say "hello" to me when I wear this shirt. Old men especially... SO sweet! They must really like the color yellow...)
I slaved for HOURS in this pig pen. Tore a hole in the knee of my jeans from crawling around for so long.
You would not BELIEVE how many naked Barbies I found! There must have been 30! Naked as a jay bird!
Some moms don't let their daughters play with Barbies because of the negative body image they portray. I can see their point. Barbie has got a ROCKIN bod! Her BOOBS are perky and her BUTT is solid! (Just filling my boob and butt quota for the day... Don't want to disappoint my fans ;). )
One of these days I'll write a blog entitled "Why Barbie is Bad". Until then I'll do my best to emulate her perfect physique.
The picture below is where I realize that in order to take cute pics of me cleaning the playroom I must actually clean the playroom... I felt defeated before I began.
While having my pity party on the floor I came in contact with this Incredible Hulk fist. When I punch something it says, "DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY! YOU WON'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!" Perfect. I can conquer this mountain!
This is all the crap I'm getting rid of! Gonna sell it to Buffalo kids tomorrow. I'll make a small fortune.