Dear Anonymous Oct. 29, 2010 4:01 pm,
I write this letter as a warning to you. I fear for your well being.
I had a dream, Anonymous.
I saw you. Not your face. I could not see your face. But it was you. You were at your computer swallowed in a haze of Malice.
I felt your intent to harm accutely. It hurt my heart to see the meanness in yours.
I have tried, to no avail, to explain to my readers I have had a very hard year. My depression has been situational. Before this year I was a happy, strong person. People came to me for strength, a good laugh and a kind word.
The high energy and enthusiasm I exhibit in happy posts is what has always come naturally since childhood.
You have not understood my message.
I normally would not give someone like you so much attention, which is clearly what you want. But you attacked my sister in your nasty little comment and Link. I won't have that.
In my dream I saw the essence of you.
Karma came to me in a the form of a Witch. I asked her what I might do to avenge my sister.
Karma smiled and said, "I will visit your Anonymous friend."
Then she showed me a vision in which you suffered extreme mood swings due to events beyond your control.
"The degree to which malice is felt and shown is the degree to which I avenge the wronged," she said.
You have been warned.
Happy Halloween.
Crystal The Pistol