Sunday, March 11, 2012


I stole a questionairre from Kimberly an average girl with a great pornstar name.

Please feel free to answer some of these as they apply to you in the comments.  This should be fun! :)

1. Have you ever had a romantic breakup that was easy?
I had a few easy ones.  They were easy for me but hard for the dudes I was letting go.  I have had my heart broken though.  i busted up into a million gabillion pieces. There is no pain like broken love promises. BOO HOO! No stranger to THAT!

2. When was the first time that you felt betrayed?

When I was in 3rd grade and Shauna didn't want to be my best friend anymore because she liked Kim better.  And that hurt my tender feelings real bad.  I took her best friends necklace away from her and cried on the playground under a great concrete turtle.  It was cold and heartless down there.

I have lots of other adult betryal stories which I am struggling to forgive and maybe one day forget.

3. Do you feel religious beliefs should have a role in politics?
No.  There should be a separation of church and state.  Always.  And I'm Mormon and everything.  It freaks me out that Romney will win this thing and then Mormons will be targeted as dummies to  batter and harass.  It just seems like human nature.

4. Are you doing anything special this weekend?

I just did it!  Had a big juicy steak with my man.  Baked potato will all the stuffz.  A crunchy salad with salad stuffz.  So delish.  I ran 7 miles today to I was starved!  after the steak I tucked my man in bed.  I am far more amorous when I've eaten something delectable.  Oooo la la!

5. Oreo cookies turned 100 years old this week. How do YOU eat an Oreo?

I love love love Oreos.  I crave them in my sleep.  But I only enjoy them with milk.  they must take a dip without complaint and get just soft enough not to collapse at the bottom of the glass.  the finished Oreo  should melt in the mouth so much so that you say , "mmmmmmmmmm".  That's what I do.

6. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?

I would be successful financially while still home with my kids.  I would also wish for thicker hair.  I dig the rest of me pretty well.

7. Describe a time when you should have tried harder.

I always try harder.

8. What is your favorite baseball-related movie? The one with Gina Davis and the little one with the attitude and all the chick baseball players and they say, "there is no crying in baseball..."  What's that one called?  Fried Green Tomatoes or something?

9. What is one lesson you have learned in the past year?

Love yourself and then you can deal with everyone else.When my self-esteem suffers so does everyone in my life.  It is amazing how many people depend on my very mood being cheerful to function optimally.
My sister Michelle said the one word she would use to describe me is "LIGHT".  She says I bring light with me everywhere I go.  My depression days dampen that light so I have to struggle to light the wick regardless how I am feeling.

That's all iz got to say.  What say YOU?!