What if God had not invented sleep?
The idea occurs to me every once in a moonlight. And I ponder and tremble a little. What a terrible terrible punishment to never sleep perchance to dream.
Just think on this thing. Sit on it and think on it. Wide awake dream on it.
100 Years of Solitude made them mad. But that was long ago. Before Red Bulls and Rockstars.
Imagine never ever stopping. Living living living life.
Eating reading writing playing cooking shopping
shipping skipping dipping tripping on your feet
tripping on your fate
sex and more sex to pass the time
lying crying frying
laughing passing gassing
fighting biting lighting righting and wronging
with bloodshot eyes
mistaking and mis taking
kissing hugging loving and doving
imagine all you do
and no sleep
awake and cast off the chains
ye are bound oh fair one
I am exhausted.
I awake this way.
No caffiene today I say
but then I do
and after all of that
what if God said
No sleep for the weary
No sleep for the wicked
Is there sleep in the Heavens?