Floating before me floated a man. A man with a tan. That man had an arm. I don't mean to alarm. But his arm had a tat. That arm held a child he had begat.
His tat read:
BALLS! His tat spoke of balls. Big ones or smalls? I wondered inside. Of my head with a scoff I did not try to hide.
Why would he choose to ink that? I wondered from the inner tube wherein my tush sat.
I floated away from the man with a tan. And came across another man even more tan. HIS arm was hairy and too had some ink. What could it say? I started to think... I couldn't quite see so I paddled more closer. Surly this man would not be such a poser.
But he was. Oh he WAS. Even worse than that gent.
His tat read:
"Oh, you're real hardcore!" I thought at the man. "Now you have something to read on the can."
I floated away humming tunes sung by Elvis. The next man I saw had a tat on his pelvis.
Alyssa's, it read.
Alyssa's? I thought, scratching my head.
Then his shorts slipped a bit. Those shorts were ill fit.
Alyssa's was not the only text that I saw. I gasped and I covered my eyes with my paw.
There was a four letter word to explain. Just what it was that belonged to that name.
I must shake my head at Dick, Harry and Tom. Why not choose a nice tat that reads MOM?
Or the name of your Lady? Those three tats that I saw were really quite shady.
My man has a lovely tattoo on his arm. As I'm possessive, it works like a charm.
His ink was done out of Love and Desire. When it's exposed my whole heart catches fire.
CRYSTAL, it reads. For that is my name. Since I was borned it never has changed.
My man knows not to be nasty and crass. I may have his name tattooed on my right shoulder blade because it's an inconspicuous place for a tattoo.