Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I got a new puppy!  Do you see how sweet she is?  She is no trouble at all!  I just love her to pieces!  She cuddles up with me in bed which makes my husband jealous, so he sleeps on the couch now.  (I'm sorry, but babies need LOTS of attention and TLC!)

I'm potty training her and I take her everywhere I go.  She puts a smile on everyone's face.  I've made friends with a lot of strangers because of my new baby.  Puppies make the world go 'round.

It's cute when she poops and steps in it accidentally.  I just smile and say, "You silly girl!  Let's go wash your widdle paws...".  Then I skip to the sink and sing her a happy lil tune. 

Last night it was raining but my new baby had to go potty so I stood in the rain with her at 3am and patiently waited for her to defecate.  Like I said, she is no trouble at all!

I was thinking about getting knocked up.  I REALLY love babies.  Plus I'm kinda bored.

I came home to find FOXY ROXY.  SURPRISE!!!  I'M A PROUD MAMA!

I GOT A PUPPY!!!!!!!

She matches our other dog, Rocky.

Now I don't wanna get knocked up anymore.