Monday, February 15, 2010

Post V-Day Bragging Rights

Ladies, if you want your man to do nice stuff for you you gotta reward him with LOTS and LOTS of praise when he comes though.  Plus he really likes it when you brag to your friends about how great he is.  Since I consider you all friends I'm gonna do a lil bragging.  (It's out of chracter for me, I know  :)

"I even ironed my own shirt today!" said my man yesterday morning.

I had to laugh.  In addition to ironing his very own shirt like a big boy he got up early and kept the kids from waking me so I could sleep in.  To me sleep is more valuable than gold. 

He took me to see the opera Madame Butterfly on Friday night.  This was a HUGE sacrifice for him.  He hates sitting still in fancy clothes.  I thought he might hyperventilate in the second act.  He did survive though and actually said he enjoyed it.  (He especially enjoyed the hotel room he reserved for after the show that night... ahem. You see what I'm saying about rewarding good behavior? It's imperative.)

He knows how much I adore roses so I ended up with 2 dozen.

He also knows my obssession with bubble baths and drew me one with candles and lots of yummy smelling bath junk. Ahhhh.

He read my Kids @Victoria's Secret blog in which I praised the scent of the new sweet-but-not-too-sweet smelling perfume in a pink heart-shaped bottle.  Taa-Daaaaa!!!  I smell amazing today.  I wanna lick my own arm.

Thanks honey!  You are so thoughtful!  I love you!