Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today I interviewed my kids.  I asked each one to say 2 words they feel describe me.

Serena:  You're very FUNNY  and CRAZY!

Bella:  You're FUNNYand PRETTY.

Tyson:  You're JOYFULL and you jump out of the closet and scare me sometimes...

Maya:  Happy and Fashion.

So I guess that sums it up.  It's a fun game.  You should do it with YOUR kids (or friends or whatever...).

I have to say I'm pretty pleased with what they came up with.  I dig bein' a funny, happy, joyful, fashion Mama!

Last week I went to Serena's class to visit.  This is what I found on the wall of her classroom.

I didn't cry because I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her friends.  But SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!!!! How AMAZING is THIS?!

I'M somebody's HERO?  WHAT?  I'd like to thank God, Red Bull energy drink and The Academy.

I never in my wildest dreams thought one of my children would say that about me.  It's a daunting role. I don't feel qualified.  I'd like to explain to them I'm hopelessly flawed and they would be better off finding a more suitable hero.  But I can't do that, can I?

My job at the moment is to be the best human being I can be.  I'm being watched VERY closely.  They watch how I eat.  They watch how I speak to others.  They watch how I walk.  (Maya likes to inform me that she too shakes her booty when she walks.  "We just can't stop it," says she.)

It's quite an enormous responsibility to be me.  Super scary.  I hope I don't completely screw them up.